Blame Game
It’s not your fault, that at some point in time you were programmed this way. It’s not your fault you are addicted. What ever the substance: tv, love, heroin, or shopping. Alcohol, tobacco or social media. Anything enjoyable can become a substance of abuse and obsession. That’s in the end what it is. Our subconscious way to deal with feelings we don’t know how to feel. For the nervous system feeling these feelings seems scarier than death, because that’s what it is in the end. Death of the ego, of this character that you built in order to avoid the feelings that need to be felt.
Releasing the blame from yourself is the first step towards healing. You are using your substance in order to survive, that’s how important it has been for you up until now. Desperate and emotional people can do anything: suicide among it. So give yourself a break from the blame game while you still cope with yourself in this way. Quit blaming yourself and start understanding.
- Quit the Blame
- Look at the Triggers before use
- Give yourself love during use
- Ask yourself what is the discomfort that triggers
- Delay use and feeling your feeling first for 1 minute
Slowly but surely you will start understanding yourself more and feeling more minute by minute. Before you know it, feeling your feelings has become so second nature to you so that your abuse substance will start to feel like and enjoyable thing and not have the grip of obsession over you anymore.
Slowly but surely you start to feel more in control of your life and your confidence grows. Resolving your addiction will have many positive effects on your life and there is a way, there is hope for you. We don’t have to be addicts the rest of our lives. We can be free.