In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Spleen is closely associated with emotions such as worry, anxiety, and mistrust. These negative emotions are believed to weaken Spleen function, which is essential for digestion and the transportation of nutrients throughout the body. When the Spleen is compromised, it can lead to physical symptoms like fatigue, poor appetite, and digestive issues, further exacerbating emotional distress.
The Spleen's role is tied to the Earth element in TCM, which symbolizes nourishment and stability. Excessive worry can disrupt this balance, leading to a condition known as Spleen Qi deficiency. This deficiency manifests as a range of symptoms, including poor digestion, lethargy, and an inability to concentrate.
Moreover, TCM posits a bi-directional relationship between anxiety and Spleen function: not only can anxiety impair the Spleen, but Spleen dysfunction can also contribute to anxiety-like behaviors.
To support Spleen health, TCM recommends practices such as focusing on one task at a time, dietary adjustments to include warming foods, and gentle massage techniques. If you want to permanently release your anxiety, you can do spleen meridian stretches that give you instant relief.